Leslie Crystal LLC is a privately-backed holding company that encompasses a diverse portfolio of brands and businesses, including its global namesake aesthetics & arcane design consultation firm (Leslie Crystal), the lifestyle brand (High Lady Heritage), the specialty poultry haven and farm (Pink Ladies Henhouse), the modern-day Arcadia for isabelline and dilute-hued caprine fauna (Lady Queen Meadow), the California-based atelier (Imperatrix Mvndi), and others.   

Established in 2010, Leslie Crystal LLC has evolved into a multifaceted enterprise. Over the years, the company has operated as a commissioned creation source for exquisite artifacts, as well as digital content creation in the fields of beauty, aesthetics, femininity, holistic wellness, artisanal homesteading, olde-worlde rituals, and the arcane. 


Leslie Crystal (né Leslie Crystal Sandoval Well) is an aesthete and arcanist with a natural penchant for the exquisite in art, beauty, and culture, and a deep understanding and appreciation for the beauty of the natural world and the mysteries of the arcane.

Born and raised in poverty to immigrant Mexican parents (her father being an artisan musician and her mother an olde-worlde spiritualist), a lack of the material cultivated an abundance in the ethereal, and instilled in her a lifetime of love for creativity, secrets, and the pursuit of universal beauty.

Leslie spends her free time growing Queen of the Prairie (Filipendula Rubra ‘Venusta’) + Queen of the Meadow (Filipendula Ulmaria), handcrafting cosmetics, depicting nature + folklore in watercolor (wildflowers,  prairies, meadows, fairies, nymphs, et al.), and living with + for her soulmate Grant, their wild children, & their array of animals at their White Mountain Ranch.

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